1 coal-fuel oil slurry
Англо-русский металлургический словарь > coal-fuel oil slurry
2 coal-fuel oil slurry
Металлургия: угольно-мазутная смесь -
3 oil
1. нефть || нефтяной2. масло ( растительное или минеральное) || масляный3. жидкая смазка, смазочное масло || смазыватьoil struck at... — нефть встречена на глубине...
— hot oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— form oil— fuel oil— lean oil— live oil— load oil— lock oil— net oil— oil in— raw oil— rich oil— rock oil— seep oil— sour oil— tank oil— tar oil— wet oil
* * *
нефть (все жидкие углеводороды, получаемые из скважин, и конденсаты, извлекаемые из природного газа)pipeline quality crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования по трубопроводу (упругость паров по Рейду в подвижном состоянии -100)
tanker specification crude oil — нефть, соответствующая требованиям транспортирования танкерами (упругость паров по Рейду в подвешенном состоянии -10)
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
— bad oil— base oil— cut oil— dead oil— dry oil— dump oil— fuel oil— hot oil— live oil— load oil— raw oil— rock oil— sour oil— tank oil— wet oil— wild oil
* * *
1. нефть
* * *
нефть (<<жидкие углеводороды, извлекаемые из природного газа) || нефтянойoil in bulk — 1) нефть наливом; нефтепродукты наливом 2) нефть в резервуаре;
oil in hole — нефть в стволе скважины;
oil in place — нефть в пласте; пластовая нефть; нефть, предположительно находящаяся в коллекторе;
oil in reserve — 1) нефть, заполняющая трубопроводы и резервуары 2) нефтепродукт, заполняющий систему заводских резервуаров и трубопроводов;
oil in sight — видимые запасы нефти;
oil in situ — нефть в пласте;
oil in storage — 1) нефть в трубопроводах 2) избыточная ( не отправленная потребителям) нефть на нефтебазах;
oil initially in place — первоначальные запасы нефти в коллекторе;
oil originally in reservoir — начальное содержание нефти в пласте;
to carry oil — содержать нефть;
to flood oil toward production well — вытеснять нефть ( водой) к добывающей скважине;
to hold back oil in the reservoir — удерживать нефть в коллекторе;
to make oil — добывать нефть;
to run the oil — 1) измерять количество нефти в промысловых резервуарах 2) перекачивать нефть из промысловых резервуаров по трубопроводу;
to skim off oil — собирать нефть, разлившуюся на поверхности воды;
to strike oil — обнаруживать месторождение нефти;
- oil of paraffinoil to surface — нефть, поступающая на поверхность;
- abandoned oil
- absorbent oil
- adsorbed oil
- absorption oil
- acid oil
- acid-refined oil
- acid-stage oil
- additive blended oil
- additive motor oil
- additive treated oil
- additive-type oil
- admiralty fuel oil
- aeroengine oil
- air filter oil
- aircraft oil
- airplane oil
- all-purpose engine oil
- alpha oil
- American paraffin oil
- Appalachian oil
- aqueous-soluble oil
- Arctic oil
- aromatic-base crude oil
- asphalt-base oil
- asphalt-free oil
- asphaltic road oil
- asphaltum oil
- automobile oil
- average-quality oil
- axle oil
- bad oil
- base oil
- batch oil
- Beaumont oil
- bentonite diesel oil
- benzolized oil
- benzyl mustard oil
- black oil
- blasting oil
- blended fuel oil
- blue oil
- bobbin oil
- bodied oil
- boiler oil
- branded oil
- break-in oil
- bright oil
- bubble point oil
- burner oil
- burning oil
- by-passed oil
- capacitor oil
- car oil
- carbon oil
- cargo oil
- catalytic gas oil
- circuit-breaker oil
- clay-filtered oil
- clean oil
- cleaning oil
- cleansing oil
- coal oil
- coastal oil
- coker gas oil
- cold-settled oil
- cold-test oil
- commercial oil
- compressor oil
- concrete form oil
- condensed oil
- condenser oil
- conventional oil
- cordage oil
- corrected oil
- crankcase oil
- crevice oil
- crude oil
- crude mineral oil
- crude petroleum fuel oil
- crude shale oil
- crystal oil
- cut oil
- cutter oil
- cutting oil
- cycle oil
- cycle gas oil
- cylinder oil
- dangerous oil
- dead oil
- debenzolized oil
- degassed oil
- denuded oil
- desalinized oil
- development oil
- dielectrical oil
- diesel oil
- diesel-fuel oil
- dispersed oil
- dissolved oil
- distillate oil
- distillate fuel oil
- domestic oil
- doped oil
- dry oil
- dual-purpose oil
- dump oil
- earth oil
- economically recoverable oil
- electrical switch oil
- emulsified crude oil
- emulsion oil
- engine oil
- enriched oil
- entrained oil
- equilibrium oil
- estimated original oil in place
- explosive oil
- extra-heavy crude oil
- first-quality oil
- fluid oil
- flush oil
- fluxing oil
- foam oil
- foot's oil
- foreign oil
- form oil
- fossil oil
- free oil
- fuel oil
- furnace oil
- gaged oil
- gas oil
- gas absorber oil
- gas and mud-cut oil
- gas-cut oil
- gas-cut load oil
- gear oil
- gearbox oil
- gearcase oil
- gelled oil
- graphite lubrication oil
- grease oil
- grease-spoiled oil
- green bloom oil
- green cast oil
- hard oil
- heating oil
- heavy oil
- heavy-cycle gas oil
- heavy-duty supplement oil
- heavy gas oil
- heavy lubricating oil
- heavy neutral oil
- high-gravity oil
- high-pour-point oil
- high-pour-test oil
- high-pressure oil
- high-temperature shale oil
- highly detergent oil
- highly refined oil
- highly resinous oil
- hot oil
- hybrid-base oil
- hydraulic oil
- hydraulic system oil
- hydrocarbon oils
- hydrofined oil
- hydrogen-deficient gas oil
- illuminating oil
- imported oil
- inactive oil
- incremental oil
- industrial white oil
- initial oil in place
- initial oil in reservoir
- in-place oil
- inspissated oil
- instrument oil
- insulating oil
- intermediate oil
- irreducible oil
- kerosene oil
- lake oil
- lamp oil
- lean oil
- lease oil
- light oil
- light crude oil
- light cycle gas oil
- light engine oil
- light fuel oil
- light gas oil
- light viscosity oil
- lightwood oil
- limestone oil
- live oil
- livered oil
- load oil
- lock oil
- long-time burning oil
- loom oil
- low-gravity oil
- low-viscosity oil
- lubricating oil
- machinery oil
- make-up oil
- marine oil
- marine engine oil
- merchantable oil
- middle oil
- Middle East oil
- migratory oil
- mineral oil
- mineral earth oil
- mineral seal oil
- miner's oil
- mixed asphaltic base oil
- mixed-base oil
- mother oil
- motor oil
- moveable oil
- mud oil
- mud-cut oil
- multigrade oil
- noncongealable oil
- nondrying oil
- opal oil
- naphthalene oil
- naphthene oil
- natural oil
- net oil
- net residual oil
- nonabsorbent oil
- nonfoaming oil
- nonrecoverable oil
- nonresinous oil
- nonsulfurous oil
- occluded oil
- offshore oil
- original oil in place
- original stock tank oil in place
- oxydized oil
- oxygenated oil
- pale oil
- paraffin-base oil
- paraffin-base crude oil
- paraffinic oil
- pattern oil
- penetrating oil
- petrolatum oil
- petroleum fuel oil
- petroleum gas oil
- pilot oil
- piped oil
- pipeline oil
- pipeline quality crude oil
- polybase oil
- power oil
- primary oil
- produced oil
- prospective oil
- pumping load oil
- pure oil
- range oil
- raw oil
- recirculating oil
- reclaimed lubricating oil
- recoverable oil
- recovered oil
- red oil
- reduced oil
- reduced fuel oil
- refined oil
- residual oil
- retained oil
- returning circulation oil
- rich oil
- road oil
- rock oil
- roily oil
- rustproof oil
- saturated oil
- scavenge oil
- scrubbing oil
- secondary oil
- seep oil
- selective solvent-extracted oil
- selective solvent-refined oil
- separator oil
- service DG oil
- service DM oil
- service DS oil
- service ML oil
- service MM oil
- service MS oil
- shafting oil
- shale oil
- Sherwood oil
- short oil
- shrinked oil
- skunk oil
- slightly gas-cut oil
- sludge oil
- slurry oil
- slush oil
- slushing oil
- solar oil
- solid oil
- solidified oil
- soluble oil
- sorbed oil
- sour oil
- spindle oil
- steam-distillable oil
- steam-refined oil
- stock-tank oil
- stock-tank oil in place
- stoker's oil
- stone oil
- stove oil
- straight mineral oil
- straw oil
- stripped oil
- stripping oil
- subzero oil
- sulfonated oil
- sulfur-bearing oil
- sulfurous oil
- summer oil
- surplus oil
- sweat oil
- sweet oil
- switch oil
- tank oil
- tanker specification crude oil
- tar oil
- tarry oil
- tertiary oil
- thin oil
- thinned oil
- topped oil
- torch oil
- tractor oil
- transformer oil
- trapped oil
- trimming oil
- trolly oil
- turkey-red oil
- undiluted engine oil
- univis oil
- unrecovered oil
- unrefinable oil
- unrefinable crude oil
- unstripped oil
- untreated oil
- vaporizing oil
- vulcan oil
- washed blue oil
- waste oil
- water-cut oil
- watered oil
- watery oil
- wax oil
- wet oil
- white oil
- wild oil
- winter oil
- wirerope oil* * *• нефть• нефтяной -
4 fuel
1) топливо, горючее || заправлять(ся) топливом, заправлять(ся) горючим•-
acid sludge fuel
additional fuel
aircraft engine fuel grade 100
aircraft fuel grade 100
alcohol fuel
alternate fuel
annihilation fuel
antiknock fuel
aromatic fuel
ash-bearing fuel
ash-free fuel
ash-rich fuel
atomic fuel
atomized fuel
automotive fuel
aviation blending fuel
aviation fuel
aviation mixed fuel
backup fuel
binary fuel
biomass-based fuel
black oil fuel
blended fuel
blending fuel
borderline fuels
bunker fuel
by-product fuel
ceramic nuclear fuel
clean-burning fuel
climb fuel
coal-derived liquid fuel
coal-in-oil fuel
coal-water fuel
cold-starting fuel
colloidal fuel
commercial grade fuel
composite fuel
concentrated nuclear fuel
cupola fuel
degraded fuel
denatured fuel
diesel fuel
dispersion fuel
domestic fuel
doped fuel
dribbling diesel fuel
dusty fuel
emulsified fuel
engine fuel
enriched fuel
ethanol fuel
ethylized fuel
finished fuel
fissionable fuel
fission fuel
fossil fuel
fresh fuel
fusionable fuel
fusion fuel
gas fuel
generative fuel
heavy oil fuel
high-antiknock fuel
high-flash fuel
high-grade fuel
high-moisture fuel
high-speed diesel fuel
high-sulfur fuel
high-volatile fuel
household fuel
hydrocarbon fuel
hydrogen fuel
hydrogen-based gaseous fuel
intentionally dumped fuel
irradiated fuel
jet aircraft fuel
jet fuel
knock-free fuel
lead-free fuel
light diesel fuel
light-volatile fuel
liquid fuel
liquid gas fuel
liquid hydrocarbon fuel
liquid transportation fuel
lower enrichment nuclear fuel
low-grade fuel
low-sulfur fuel
low-volatile fuel
mixed oxide fuel
motor fuel
motor volatile fuel
nitrogen-containing fuel
nonfroth fuel
nonhydrocarbon motor fuel
nonleaded fuel
nuclear fuel
oil fuel
oxygen-oil rocket fuel
patch fuel
petroleum fuel
pollution-free fuel
poor diesel fuel
poor ignition quality fuel
porous fuel
powdered fuel
power booster fuel
power fuel
power-plant fuel
premium fuel
premium motor fuel
premium-priced fuel
pressed fuel
pressure fuel
primary nuclear fuel
process fuel
pulverized fuel
pumpable fuel
radioactive fuel
railroad fuel
recycle nuclear fuel
reduced-enrichment fuel
reference fuel
replacement fuel
rocket fuel
safety fuel
shellspark fuel
slurry fuel
smokeless fuel
solid fuel
spent fuel
sphere-pac fuel
standard fuel
starting fuel
stove fuel
sulfur-bearing fuel
superoctane number fuel
superoctane fuel
synthetic liquid fuel
temporary fuel
transport fuel
turbine fuel
two-stroke fuel
unleaded fuel
unsafe fuel
uranium carbide fuel
vehicle fuel
waste fuels
wide-cut fuel -
5 fuel
топливо; горючее; II заливать топливо; питать топливом; заправлять топливом- fuel-air mixture analyzer - fuel-air ratio - fuel alcohol - fuel atomizing - fuel balance pipe - fuel cell bottom - fuel consumption trial - fuel content gauge - fuel cut-off - fuel dilution test - fuel economy - fuel economy contest - fuel endurance - fuel feed - fuel feed line - fuel feed pump - fuel feed system - fuel film - fuel gas - fuel gauge - fuel gravity tank - fuel indicator - fuel injection - fuel injection pump - fuel injector - fuel jet - fuel leak - fuel level - fuel level adjustment - fuel level gauge - fuel level indicator - fuel lift pump - fuel line - fuel lock - fuel metering - fuel mileage - fuel nozzle - fuel oil - fuel-oil ash - fuel oil burner - fuel oil filter - fuel oil residue - fuel particles - fuel pipe - fuel pipe line - fuel pipe union - fuel preliminary filter - fuel pressure gauge - fuel pulverization - fuel pump - fuel pump adjusting screw - fuel pump bracket - fuel pump coupling - fuel pump dipstick - fuel pump drive shaft - fuel pump drive sprocket - fuel pump lever - fuel pump screen - fuel pump strap - fuel quantity gauge - fuel reserve tank - fuel saving - fuel saving device - fuel servicing truck - fuel shortage - fuel shut-off - fuel slippage - fuel soot - fuel space - fuel spray - fuel station - fuel store - fuel strainer - fuel supply - fuel supply connection - fuel supply corrector - fuel supply pump - fuel system - fuel tank - fuel tank filter cap - fuel tank strap - fuel tanker - fuel test - fuel-tight - fuel up - fuel valve - fuel volatility adjustment - electric fuel pump- gas fuel- gas motor fuel - gaseous fuel - heavy fuel - heavy-duty fuel - high-antiknock fuel - high-grade fuel - high-gravity fuel - high-octane fuel - high sulphur fuel - hydrocarbon fuel - hydrogenated fuel - inferior fuel - knock-free fuel - knocking fuel - light fuel - light diesel fuel - light volatile fuel - liquid fuel - low-grade fuel - low-gravity fuel - low-sulphur fuel - medium fuel - moderately volatile fuel - motor fuel - non-detonating fuel - non-knocking fuel - non-motor-vehicle fuel - oil fuel - ordinary premium fuel - patent fuel - petroleum fuel - powdered fuel - pressure fuel - pulverized fuel - reference fuel - refuse fuel - residual fuel - rocket fuel - safety fuel - slurry fuel - smokeless fuel - solid fuel - straight luquid fuel - straight-run motor fuel - synthetic fuel - synthetic motor fuel - tractor fuel - unburned fuel - volatile fuel - waste fuel - wet fuel - wide-cut gasoline type fuel -
6 pump
1) насос || подавать [нагнетать\] насосом, качать2) электрон. накачка, возбуждение || накачивать, возбуждать3) электрон. генератор накачки4) электрон. излучение накачки•to pump in — накачивать;to pump off — 1. откачивать 2. (быстро) опоражнивать ( скважину скважинным насосом);to port the pump — подсоединять линию к насосу;to supercharge pump — подпитывать насос, создавать давление на всасывании насоса-
absorption heat pump
accelerating pump
accelerator pump
acid treatment pump
adjustable pump
adsorption pump
aeration jet pump
afteroiling pump
air pump
air-driven pump
air-to-air heat pump
air-water heat pump
American pump
angular flow pump
appendage pump
atmospheric inlet pump
autopriming pump
auxiliary feedwater pump
auxiliary turbine-driven feed pump
axial-flow pump
axial-piston pump
axial-suction pump
backing pump
ball piston pump
ballast pump
beet lifting pump
beet pump
beet pulp pump
bent axis-piston pump
bilge pump
blade sideshift pump
blower pump
boojee pump
boost pump
borehole pump
brake release pump
brine injection pump
Butterworth pump
cam-vane pump
canned pump
cargo pump
cartridge pump
casing sucker rod pump
casing pump
centrifugal pump
charging pump
chemical cleaning pump
chemical heat pump
chemical proportioning pump
chemical pump
circular casing pump
circulating pump
clean ballast pump
clean pump
coal pump
coherent pump
coil pump
cold pump
cold-cathode getter-ion pump
combination fuel pump
combination gear pump
compensated pump
compression pump
concrete pump
condensate pump
condenser pump
constant horsepower output pump
constant pressure pump
continuous flow pump
control pump
controlled pump
controlled-circulating pump
controlled-volume pump
coolant pump
corrosion-resistant water pump
crank pump
cryogenic pump
cryosorption pump
deep-well pump
delivery pump
dewatering pump
diagonal-flow pump
diaphragm lift pump
diaphragm pump
diffuser pump
diffusion pump
direct-acting pump
direct-injection pump
discharge pump
dispensing pump
displacement pump
donkey pump
dope transfer pump
dosing pump
double pump
double-acting pump
double-entry pump
double-stage pump
double-stroke pump
double-suction pump
double-volute pump
drainage pump
dredge pump
drilling mud transfer pump
drowned pump
drum pump
dry pump
dual-pressure pump
duplex pump
dye laser pump
earth-coupled heat pump
ejector pump
ejector-compression heat pump
electric pump
electromagnetic pump
electroosmotic pump
emulsifying pump
end-suction pump
energy pump
evaporation pump
exhaust pump
external gear pump
extraction pump
feathering pump
feeding pump
feed pump
feedwater pump
fire pump
fire-and-bilge pump
fish pump
fixed frequency pump
fixed-delivery pump
flexible hose pump
fluid jet pump
fluming water pump
flushing pump
focused pump
foot-mounted pump
force pump
fore pump
Francis-type pump
fresh feed pump
fuel backup pump
fuel feed pump
fuel injection pump
fuel lift pump
fuel priming pump
fuel pump
fuel transfer pump
fuel-oil pump
full-size boiler feed pump
gasoline pump
gas-powered pump
gear-type pump
getter pump
getter-ion pump
gravel pump
ground-driven steer pump
grouting pump
grout pump
half-size boiler feed pump
hand-operated pump
hand pump
hand-priming pump
harbor pump
heat pump
heeling pump
helical rotor pump
high-capacity pump
high-lift pump
high-pressure injection pump
high-pressure intensifier pump
high-speed pump
high-vacuum pump
horizontal pump
hot melt pump
house service pump
hydraulic pump
hypothetical pump
ice-cream pump
ice-maker heat pump
immersed pump
impeller pump
inclined rotor pump
incoherent pump
individual injection pump
injection pump
ink pump
in-line pump
insert oil-well pump
insert pump
integral auxiliary pump
internal gear pump
ion pump
jerk pump
jerker pump
jet pump
Kaplan-type pump
light pump
line pump
linearly polarized pump
liquid jet pump
liquid metal pump
lobe pump
low-lift pump
low-pressure injection pump
low-speed pump
lubricant pump
magnetic heat pump
magnetic-drive pump
main circulating pump
makeup pump
manual pump
marine pump
mash pump
mercury vapor diffusion pump
mercury diffusion pump
metal hydride heat pump
metering pump
mine pump
mixed-flow pump
molecular pump
monitor feed pump
mortar pump
motor pump
mud pump
multicellular pump
multicircuit pump
multicylinder pump
multiflow lubricating pump
multiple gear pump
multiple-impeller pump
multiple-piston pump
multiplunger pump
multiscrew pump
multistage pump
noncompensated pump
nonpositive displacement pump
nonuplex pump
normal-speed pump
oil fuel pump
oil pump
oil well pump
oil-diffusion pump
oil-free pump
oil-measuring pump
oil-sealed rotary pump
oil-transfer pump
oil-vapor pump
open circuit pump
optical pump
overboard pump
packaged heat pump
packmix pump
Penning type pump
Penning pump
peripheral pump
peristaltic pump
photovoltaic water pump
pickup pump
piston pump
Pitot tube pump
plunger pump
positive displacement pump
power control pump
power pump
precharge pump
preevacuation pump
pressure balanced pump
pressure pump
primary boiler-feed pump
primary circuit pump
priming pump
propeller pump
proportioning pump
pulse-free pump
pulverized-coal pump
purge pump
pusher pump
push-pull stem control pump
quench pump
quintuplex pump
radial piston pump
radial-flow pump
ram-type pump
ram pump
raw oil pump
reactor containment sump pump
reactor coolant pump
recharging manual pump
recharging pump
reciprocating pump
recirculating pump
recycling pump
reflux pump
replenishing pump
reverser pump
reversible pump
rodless pump
rod-line pump
roller-vane pump
Roots blower pump
Roots pump
rotary pump
rotating swash-plate pump
rotodynamic pump
rotor-type pump
roughing pump
rough pump
salt-water pump
salt-water-service pump
salvage pump
sand pump
sanitary pump
satellite pump
scavenge pump
scavenging oil pump
scoop pump
screen-wash pump
screw pump
scum pump
sealing water pump
sea-water pump
self-contained heat pump
self-priming pump
semirotary pump
septuplex pump
service pump
servo-controlled pump
sewage pump
shell pump
shuttle-block oil pump
side-channel pump
side-suction pump
simplex pump
single direct-acting pump
single-boiler feed pump
single-cylinder pump
single-entry pump
single-plunger pump
single-stage pump
single-stroke pump
sinking pump
sliding-vane pump
sludge pump
slurry pump
slush pump
soda-circulating pump
solar diaphragm pump
solar-assisted neat pump
sorption pump
space conditioning heat pump
spinning pump
split-packaged heat pump
squirt pump
steam jet air pump
steam jet pump
steam-driven pump
steam-oil pump
steering pump
storage pump
straight-flow pump
stripping pump
submerged-type pump
submerged pump
submersible pump
subsurface pump
sucker-rod pump
suction pump
sump pump
swinging-vane oil pump
tandem pump
tank cleaning pump
test pump
thermal pump
thermoelectric heat pump
three-screws pump
thrust augmentor pump
tilted-body pump
torque flow pump
transfer pump
traveling-barrel pump
trimming pump
trim pump
triplex pump
tubing oil-well pump
tubing pump
turbine pump
turbo-molecular pump
two-lobe rotary pump
two-stage pump
two-volume pump
unit pump
vacuum pump
valveless pump
vane pump
vapor-jet pump
vapor pump
variable-capacity pump
variable-displacement pump
variable-stroke plunger pump
vertical pump
volumetric pump
volute pump
vortex pump
vortex-free pump
wash-deck pump
water pump
water-air heat pump
water-jet air pump
well pump
wellpoint pump
wet-pit pump
wheel pump
wind pump
wing pump
wrecking pump
yoke-type bent-axis pump
zeolite pump
См. также в других словарях:
Coal — Sedimentary Rock Anthracite coal Composition Primary carbon Secondary hydrogen, sulfur … Wikipedia
coal mining — Coal was very important in the economic development of Britain. It was used as fuel in the factories built during the Industrial Revolution and continued to be important until the 1980s. The main coalfields are in north east England, the north… … Universalium
Coal upgrading technology — refers to a class of technologies developed to remove moisture and certain pollutants from low rank coals such as sub Bituminous coal and lignite (brown coal) and raise their calorific values. Companies located in Australia, Germany and the… … Wikipedia
coal utilization — Introduction combustion of coal or its conversion into useful solid, gaseous, and liquid products. By far the most important use of coal is in combustion, mainly to provide heat to the boilers of electric power plants. Metallurgical coke… … Universalium
Oil sands — The Athabasca oil sands in Alberta, Canada, are a very large source of bitumen, which can be upgraded to synthetic crude oil. Bituminous sands, colloquially known as oil sands or tar sands, are a type of unconventional petroleum deposit. The… … Wikipedia
Coal-water slurry fuel — (CWSF or CWS or CWF) is a fuel which consists of fine coal particles suspended in water. Presence of water in CWS reduces harmful emissions into the atmosphere, makes the coal explosion proof, makes use of coal equivalent to use of liquid fuel (e … Wikipedia
Fossil-fuel power station — A working coal plant in Rochester, Minnesota The St. Clair Power Plant, a large coal fired ge … Wikipedia
Fossil fuel power plant — A fossil fuel power plant burns fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas or petroleum (oil) to produce electricity.Fossil fuel power plants are designed on a large scale for continuous operation. In many countries, such plants provide most of the… … Wikipedia
Coal breaker — A coal breaking plant, depicted on a postcard in 1907. A coal breaker was a coal processing plant which broke coal into various useful sizes. Coal breakers also removed impurities from the coal (typically slate) and deposited them into a culm… … Wikipedia
Clean coal — Historically[1] used to refer to technologies for reducing emissions of ash, sulfur, and heavy metals from coal combustion; the term is now commonly used to refer to carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology. Clean coal is an umbrella term used … Wikipedia
Clean coal technology — This article is about technological innovations related to clean coal. For clean coal as a general concept, see clean coal. Clean coal technology is a collection of technologies being developed to reduce the environmental impact of coal energy… … Wikipedia